Tuesday, September 11, 2012


Assalamualaikum w.b.t. and Good Day!
Hari ni we serve you the Ekstrabaganza Collection. 
The size is very modest, the colour is very modern, the prints are very classic, the quality is somehow the highest that we had ever had, like, how more extravaganza can that be I tell you?!

It's a bit pricey, but it's very worth with every extra-ness mentioned!

So here we go!

Code EB01
RM110 RM95

Code EB02
RM110 RM95

Code EB03
RM90 RM80

Code EB04
RM90 RM80

RM90 RM82

For any enquiries or to order, e-mail us at forceste@gmail.com or isi FORM INI.

Thank you for visiting us and Happy ShippiShopping!